Beyond Music - Workshop
Afro dance class with CAK (Senegal / Ivory Coast)
- Melahuset
- Starts at 15.00
- Price: Free entrance
The African Cultural Institute, CAK, is a miniature Africa in Oslo, and for 45 years it has been a key feature of the Norwegian cultural landscape. During Oslo World, CAK has curated a unique Afro dance class. We work with different movements and techniques, and we learn traditional dances that are accompanied by live drumming. Come as you are and experience the joy of African dance, get rid of tension and achieve high cardio and psychomotor gains with live drum rhythms!
Teacher: Koffi Anselme Konan, Ivory Coast. Koffi is one of the most prestigious specialists in African dance in sub-Saharan Africa. He will be accompanied by two master drummers, Bacary Sagna from Senegal and Egole Oulai, from the Ivory Coast.