Web backgrounds 7
81eku R Vet7 L SL1403



  • Cafeteatret
  • Starts at 19:30
  • Price: 220/150,- + bill.avg.

The life, music and words of a legend

Gil Scott-Heron is well known for his mesmerising mix of poetry and politics, he became known as 'the godfather of rap' and 'the black Bob Dylan'. He was also a novelist and activist, with a huge influence on rap, soul, slam-poetry and modern music generally. This play takes its title from a classic example of a Gil Scott-Heron track - it is poetic, political as well as being very emotionally touching.

"No one can do everything, but everyone can do something"

Gill Scott-Heron

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Web backgrounds 7
BVD19 1

For childern

Children's Arts Exploration Day

Grønland kulturstasjon og Asylet

Saturday 18. october

Starts at 11.30