A two days conference with participants from all over the world.
October 26th: 09.30 - 15.30
October 27th: 09.30 - 15.30
Click here to create your own avatar and participate in our digital space. Keep in mind that the platform is best experienced on a desktop, preferably on Google Chrome or Firefox. Please do not use your cell phone.
A highlight of this year's program is the two day hybrid conference “Solidarity, artistic freedom and resistance”, which we have made in collaboration with Freemuse.
Every year Oslo World invites delegates and speakers from all over the world to the festival. Since this way of creating a meeting place is not a possibility at the time, we have created a platform that is accessible from every corner of the world. In collaboration with Sentralen and Estraad, we have developed a digital platform that will allow the audience to pick their own avatar and immerse in 3D and 2D ecosystems, to have a new experience of the festival. In this digital space, participants from all over the world, will be able to explore the festival’s program, as well as new ways of interacting across the globe.

Making such a platform was a necessity for the seminar part of Oslo World this year. When travel is made possible again, it will hopefully be a useful addition, allowing more people than before to participate in our program. Events in the digital space include the Oslo World Conference, concerts from Oslo and abroad, speed meetings between delegates, as well as workshops with participants from various countries.
The two day conference in collaboration with Freemuse, will consist of talks and other events, centered around solidarity, activism and resistance. Activists, politicians, researchers, artists and cultural arrangers from all over the world will gather digitally to exchange perspectives and tools to deal with situations where artistic freedom is being challenged.

Artists performing at the conference
Mandag, 26.10:
11:30: Selma & Ibou
Tirsdag, 27.10:
13:35: Unge Beirut
15:15: Favela Sounds pres: Elza Soares & Renegado, Rincon Sapiência, Tássia Reis, MC Caroline Santos, Keila, TrapFunk & Alívio.
Day 1

Karima Bennoune, UN Special Rapporteur in the field of cultural rights, opens the conference with a keynote.

10:20- 11:15: Resistance in public spaces
- Las Tesis, Feminist Collective
- Hilde Klemetsdal, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Trude Schelderup Iversen, senior curator, KORO
- Khaled Barakeh, conceptual artist and cultural activist
- James Finucane, co-founder of Subvertising Norway

12:00-12:55: Digital censorship and artivism online
- Ferhat Tunc, musician
- Jan Lothe Eriksen, Safemuse
- Paige Collings, Freemuse

14:00-14:50: In solidarity with resisting bodies
- Fatoumata Diawara, artist
- Nadine Ouedraogo Constant, The National Museum
- OluTimehin Adegbeye, queer feminist writer and speaker
- Thomas Talawa Prestø, artistic director, Tabanka Dance Ensemble

15:15- 16:00: The power of ARTivism
- Guerrilla Girls, feminist artist collective
- Shahidul Alam, photojournalist, teacher and social activist
- Ahmed Umar, cross-disciplinary artist
- Emel Mathlouthi, musician
Day 2

10:00- 11:30: Rethinking the Roles of Governments and funders
- Kajsa Ravin, Swedish Arts Council
- Helge Lunde, ICORN (International Cities of Refuge Network)
- Srirak Plipat, Freemuse

11:50 - 12:30: The power of images and sound of resistance
- Moddi, musician
- Pierre Terdjman, photojournalist and co-founder of #DYSTURB
- Deize Tigrona, musician

14:00 - 14:45: Emergent Voices
- Doralyce, composer, singer and actress
- Farhiya Ismail, Generasjon til Generasjon (GTG)
- Priyangika Samanthie, writer, activist and philanthropist.

Closing remark by Irene Khan, UN
Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of freedom of opinion and expression.
In collaboration with Freemuse, LAG, Fellesrådet for Afrika, Balansekunst, Favela Sounds. With the support of Fritt Ord.
Click here to create your own avatar and participate in our digital space. Keep in mind that the platform is best experienced on a desktop, preferably on Google Chrome or Firefox. Please do not use your cell phone.
Explore the rest of the Beyond Music program here!