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Khalid exhibition

Beyond Music - Art exhibition

Vernissage: Khartoon Deconstructed (Sudan)

  • Baba Bar Oslo
  • Starts at 17.00
  • Price: Free entrance
  • 02. til 04. November 2023

Khartoon Deconstructed is an exhibition where political cartoonist Khalid Albaih extracts isolated components from his cartoons, presenting them as standalone, larger-than-life prints. This intentional detachment invites audiences to engage with these fragments devoid of their original contexts. Even though each piece looks complete, they are not. This creative endeavour draws a compelling parallel to the contemporary landscape shaped by the "filter bubble" and "fast news" world. A reevaluation of the puzzle pieces where in most cases the viewer wouldn't know there is a puzzle to begin with.

Event dates

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Thursday 02. November

17.00 - Baba Bar Oslo

Vernissage: Khartoon Deconstructed

Price: Free entrance

Friday 03. November

19.00 - Baba Bar Oslo

Art exhibition: Khartoon Deconstructed

Price: Free entrance

Saturday 04. November

19.00 - Baba Bar Oslo

Art exhibition: Khartoon Deconstructed

Price: Free entrance

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