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طانط Party m/ DJDID + House of Evrysome + Tod Louie + Christophe Boulmer

  • Revolver
  • Doors: 22:00
  • Concert: 23:00
  • Price: 100,-

This is for the dancers, whaackers, voguers, lovers, rebels of the dance floor!

In French - as well as in Norwegian - “Tante” means aunt. An auntie is always the heart of the family, the community. The safe haven of the rebel or "blacksheep" of the family. Always there to protect them and stand up for them. In Arabic, “Tante” can mean “camp”: ostentatious, exaggerated and theatrical. It can also mean a man displaying feminine attributes.

DJ DID aka Auntie Dana is the ultimate Tante persona. She has been the go to DJ for Skeiv Verden, several official Pride & Salam Norge events. She is also a huge Oslo World favorite. With her love for the youth, her theatrical performances and over the top positive personality and fashion aesthetic, it only makes sense that Oslo World hosts a Tante Rave Party at Revolver, curated by DJ DID in collaboration with House of Evrysome, an interdisciplinary and progressive Creative Hub.

Tod Louie is a DJ, club promoter, label boss and a recording artist. (Det Gode Selskab / Evrysome) . Brace yourselves for a hot set of Jacking Chicago House that will set the Tånte dance floor on fire.

As the young man behind Fransk Aften @ Jaeger and many other popular nights in- and outdoors these last years, Christophe Boulmer (FRA/NO) has earned a reputation as an unique DJ with hip taste. 2021 has seen him play at Trevarefabrikken in Lofoten and Bergens' Hot!Hot!Hot! festival, to name a few, but this will be his festival debut in Oslo. Christophe has grown up with Oslo World, and can't wait to share some of the musical joy he so often has experienced at the festival. 22:00-23:30

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